Xuan Hoang Nguyen

Hello Everyone 👋
I'm Xuan Hoang
I am
aweb interface.
- (+84) 0982546616
- [email protected]
- Hanoi, Vietnam
I'm a physics enthusiast with an insatiable curiosity about the universe and the laws that govern it. Ever since I was young, I've always been constantly asking questions about how the universe came to be—from the tiniest atomic particles to the farthest galaxies in the cosmos. My ability to think creatively and grasp concepts quickly has helped me not only achieve notable success in both national and international competitions but also develop unique ideas throughout my academic journey. Looking ahead, I'm eager to pursue research in physics and astronomy and make fresh, innovative contributions to the world of science."
My Journey of Scientific Discovery
I used to love playing with magnets. I often spent hours playing with simple toys like magnets. I was fascinated by how they attracted and repelled each other, raising countless questions that, at the time, I had no answers to. Why could such small objects interact in this way? And more importantly, what was behind this magic? It was this curiosity about the simplest things that laid the foundation for my later passion for physics.
When I entered primary school, I began learning the basic concepts of force, motion, light, and energy in extracurricular classes in natural sciences. Each lesson was an opportunity to deepen my understanding of how the world works. After each lesson, I would often head to the library to be engrossed in series like "Horrible Science" and "Váºt Lý Vui". It was then that I realized physics wasn't just a subject in textbooks but a way to explain the phenomena I encountered every day.
My passion for physics was further solidified when I stumbled upon my father's copy of Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time at home. Concepts like black holes, relativity, and the expansion of spacetime left me in awe. Although I couldn't fully grasp everything at the time, I felt a sense of exhilaration when thinking about the mysteries of the universe that humanity has yet to unravel.
By the time I reached 6th grade, I was officially introduced to my first physics lessons as part of the core curriculum, learning about gravity, Newton's laws, and basic mechanics. I was fascinated by how complex physical phenomena could be explained through simple formulas. Every time I solved a physics problem, it felt like I was unlocking a new door to understanding the world around me. Beyond textbook exercises, I often conducted small experiments at home, such as simulating pendulum motion with a small ball and a string or experimenting with pressure using plastic bottles and water.
Gradually, that passion transformed into a desire to delve deeper into astronomy. I realized that physics wasn't just theoretical concepts in textbooks, but the key to unlocking the vast universe. Nights spent stargazing and learning about planets ignited my curiosity, sparking a thirst to understand the wonders beyond our atmosphere. The intersection of physics and astronomy forged a powerful passion within me, allowing me to view the world from a fresh and exciting perspective. As I gazed at the twinkling stars, I couldn't stop myself from asking: What lies beyond? How did this vast universe come into existence, and how does it work? These questions fueled my desire to explore astrophysics more deeply. I became absorbed in reading about the formation of stars, galaxies, and black holes. On summer nights, I would often take my small telescope out into the yard to observe the sky. Even though they were just distant dots of light, they always captivated me and fueled my desire to uncover the mysteries of the universe.
My middle school years marked the beginning of my exciting scientific journey. I took part in extracurricular activities and Physics competitions, where I had the chance to meet and exchange ideas with friends who shared the same passion. Debates on various physical phenomena, even complex theories like quantum mechanics, inspired me to keep learning and exploring.
By the time I reached 9th grade, I realized that physics was no longer just a subject—it had become the greatest passion of my life. I began participating in national competitions and achieved notable success, opening new doors on my path of scientific discovery. This passion not only gave me valuable knowledge but also helped me develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. My journey is still ongoing, and I am excited for the fascinating discoveries that lie ahead.
At this point in my high school journey, I have a clear sense of direction. Physics and astronomy, like two poles of a magnet, have drawn me closer to the mysteries of the universe, shaping the person I am today. Astrophysics is the path I am eager to pursue in the future. I aspire to take part in major research projects on the cosmos, contributing in my own small way to unraveling its secrets. I hope that the knowledge and experience I've gained so far will serve as a solid foundation, enabling me to go even further on this exciting journey.
From a young boy fascinated by magnets and curious about how they worked, I have gradually grown into a student with a deep love for physics and astronomy, always eager to explore the vast mysteries of the universe. This journey has not only been one of intellectual discovery but also a path of self-discovery.